<div class = "title">אֹמֶץ לֵב**
OMETZ LEV**</div>
<img src="https://commongames.neocities.org/JECC_icon_calm.jpg" width="200" height="200">
[[Click here to draw your **RANDOM SCENARIO CARD!**->shuffle]]
[[To look at the **INSTRUCTIONS** for this game, click here!->instructions]]
(text-color: white)[space]
(text-color: white)[space]
(text-color: white)[space]
<img src="https://commongames.neocities.org/JECC.png" width="170" height="70"> (text-color: white)[spc] <img src="https://commongames.neocities.org/2017%20covenant-logo%20(3).png" width="270" height="70"> (text-color: white)[spc] <img src="https://commongames.neocities.org/JECC_people%20heart%20Logo.png" width="110" height="70">You scored the winning goal of this week's soccer game.You are on the playground at school and see a group of friends making fun of another student in your class.Your classmate is throwing an end-of-the-year school party.
You discover you’re the only person in the class who has not been invited. Your sibling played on your new computer and managed to erase all of your favorite games.Your favorite pet has run away from home.Your plans to go on a summer vacation to Walt Disney World were just canceled.You worked for two months to learn the V’ahavta prayer.
Your teacher just told your parent how amazingly hard you worked.You’re a child whose family followed Moses, escaping from Egypt.
Just now, you made it safely across the Sea of Reeds with the rest of the Jews.You are Moses coming down from Mt Sinai with the Ten Commandments.
You see the Jewish people praying to a golden calf, instead of God.You have been learning to play the guitar.
Your rabbi just asked you to be a song leader.<div class = "card">(display:
(either: '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10')
[[Click here to draw a **NEW RANDOM SCENARIO!**->shuffle]]
[[To go back to the **START**, click here!->start]]
(text-style: "shudder")[shuffling...]
{(live: .5s)[
(go-to: "random scenario")
]}**It's time to play the game! Here's how:**
<div class = "instruction">**1.** Choose one of your character cards to play first.
**2.** Select a situation for your character on this website.
**3.** Shuffle your toolbox deck to pick one of your //ometz lev// choice cards at random.
**4.** Put them all together! Think through the story, add your own details.
**5.** Go back to step 1 and choose a different //ometz lev// choice card to play it out differently, or select a new random situation.
**6.** Repeat as many times as you want.</div>
[[Click here to draw a **RANDOM SCENARIO!**->shuffle]]
[[To go back to the **START**, click here!->start]]